Though he’s probably the most prominent person doing it on YouTube for Madden, trash-talk videos are popular in other sports games like NBA 2K. The trash-talking concept didn’t originate with Belton. Why keep playing it, year in and year out? Similarly, strong defensive coverage used to be “bagged,” though recently, I’ve heard YouTubers saying “booked.” The only one that makes sense to me is “mossing” somebody, which is when a receiver leaps over a corner to snatch the ball out of the air, inspired by Randy Moss. Often a good throw is a “dot” - you get “dotted up” - which somehow mutated from “dart” (less self-explanatory). Precise throws are “lasers” (self-explanatory). Like any subculture, Madden has its own slang. When you play Madden 22, the gift of life becomes a curse.

Last fall, one channel called SOFTDRINKTV posted a 14-minute video titled “The Worst Madden of All Time,” followed a week later by a 19-minute video called “Madden NFL 22 is NOT GOOD - Review.” They returned to a similar well recently with one titled “Everything Wrong with Madden NFL 22 (in 16 minutes).” The narration of that one opens memorably, if not somewhat dramatically: “This is the kind of game that makes you want to stick a thumbtack in your eyeballs. There are YouTubers like Belton who post footage of themselves playing there’s a wide selection of people uploading tips and tricks then there are those dedicated to dunking on Madden. The sprawl of different YouTuber focuses speaks to just how large the game is these days. I’m talking about YouTubers, who make a living streaming and recording themselves playing a game they claim they hate. The critics come from a vocal minority, but a minority whose job it is to be extraordinarily vocal.
Madden nfl 22 developers series#
This year’s Madden 22 did well, too, and the series continues to be the best-selling sports franchise of all time. But even with the social media outrage, which also involved coordinated review-bombing of the game’s Metacritic page, Madden 21 sales were way up. In 2020, a viral Twitter campaign urged the league to release EA as its partner - #NFLDropEA.

Thus springs an argument that the developer is under no pressure to meaningfully improve the game each year. Since EA Sports has the exclusive license, it is the only company that can make a “simulation-style” NFL game.
Madden nfl 22 developers upgrade#
The main criticism, repeated often, is that each year’s new version is just a slight upgrade over the last. What’s funny about Madden - the sole NFL licensed video game franchise, now 34 years going - is that despite its massive popularity, all you ever hear is people complaining about it. If you’d been following his channel for a while, as I had, you knew he was never going to quit. In January 2022, he posted a video titled “I’ve never seen this before.You win EA.I’m never playing Madden again…” But a week later, Belton posted another Madden video. An errant throw? “EA!” Taking a sack? “EA!!” Missing an easy interception? “EA!!!!!!!!! This game is trash!!!!!!!!!!!” Common refrains: “This game is trash” or “this game is so bad.” Throughout any video, Belton is cursing the game’s developer, EA Sports, like it is some kind of malevolent god. Watching Belton’s channel, ABGotGame, the only thing he roasts more than his opponents? Madden itself.

He goads them into risky passes and encourages them to go for it on fourth down when the sensible decision would be a punt. This is the part he does like: winning, especially when it’s against people who are so disrespectful.
Madden nfl 22 developers pro#
So Belton spends his time beating up on randos - and the occasional pro athlete - all while teasing and taunting them back for his YouTube audience. In his videos, he challenges “trash-talkers” who leave him insulting Instagram DMs, arguing, with colorful language, that they could kick his ass in the game. Click it and enjoy your updated roster.Andrew Belton makes a living playing Madden, a game he does not particularly like. Here, you'll see an option for updating the roster. Clicking on this will take you to the roster and playbooks section of Madden's menu. From the main menu, scroll to the right until you get to the NFL's logo.

If your roster isn't automatically updated when logging into Madden 22, there's an easy way to do it manually.